Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday July 21

Woke up at 8 o’clock and had soup and toast for breakfast. Judd and John set out on foot to hunt a trail going south, but with no luck.  John reported that he saw considerable country but nothing else. After having lunch they set out again with the horses, this time going mostly west.  

John in the muskeg
While they were out Isabel and Marion went over the hill south and thought they found a trail.  Since they didn’t return on time Leslie went to find them—all returning about the same time. Leslie and Judd started out with horses then while John and Isabel went to investigate their trail, Monica and I got the potatoes and onions ready while Marion made a caramel pudding.  The boys found a good trail but it led to muskeg which they couldn’t cross even on foot and hard a hard time getting their own blazes coming back.  They sank in it up past their knees and their feet were soaking. Isabel and John came back around the same time and also found a trail which we have decided to follow tomorrow. 

Supper was ready when they all got back but just at the last minute I tripped over the stick holding the potatoes and coffee and away they went.  However we got more water for the coffee and picked up the potatoes—potatoes and ashes make quite a good dish.  Tonight we are going to put up the tent, heat water and try to get clean.  Judd has found a convenient knot to hand his mirror on and is hard at shaving while John is making a map of the country which he hopes will be a great source of information to the government in later years.  Isabel is arranging a bouquet of wild orchids—thus missing the dishes—I of course have to write the diary.

Hair washing

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